Folgend einige Kommentare zu unserer Website mital-U, hauptsächlich aus den ersten Jahren, nachdem wir 1995 online gingen und das WorldWideWeb selbst noch ein soziales Netzwerk war…
Hi there, first of all I really want to congratulate you : your site is really superb!! I’m a belgian student in journalism (last year), and as a part of my final exams. I’m doing a reportage on the punk movement in London and a small city in Belgium (sort of a comparison between the two of them). I want to sketch the evolution of the movement up to now, looking at it from all angles. Your site has already been a great help to get me started, … . Thanks a lot!
Martine M.
Dear mital-U, Congratulations! You’ve made it to the mPulse.com Top 10 Sites. We’d like to pass along an award recognizing your high profile on mPulse.com.
Martin Reidy, President/CEO mPulse.com
endlich – endlich ! per zufall bin ich auf euch gestossen. wie sehr habe ich „mittageisen“ vermisst – diese fantastischen sphärischen klänge waren und sind der soundtrack des zu ende gehenden 20. jahrhunderts. es gibt nur deren wenige bands, die diese bezeichnung verdienen: einstürzende neubauten, sprung aus den wolken und mittageisen. genial – ich habe es wieder !
Martin D.
This is a fantastic sight. The links between punk and the situationist anti-art movement is perfect. There could be some referencing to the way that Mc’Laren and Westwood used the situationist slogans directly (as with the viva la rock t-shirt). … Thanks for the experience.
Regards Brian.
Dear mittageisen, Congratulations! You’ve made it to the mPulse.com Top 10 Artists. We’d like to pass along an award recognizing your high profile on mPulse.com.
Martin Reidy, President/CEO mPulse.com
Hello, I just wrote to tell you how much I like your site. … your site is really well structured, highly informative and above all, eye-opening! I initially came in for Siouxsie and The Banshees, but then found it got roots in many aspects of the same alternative culture I’m after. So great job made, …
Miss. Lane (creepshow) / Italy
Amazing, Fascinating, Fueling, and Informative site. Thank you for putting some inkling of intelligence and knowledge into the vast and wide internet, which is filled with fascist, consumerist, and parasitic ideals for those people who make spectacles of themselves by not feeding their minds and living in their fear. I cannot express anymore of how much I love this site. Thank You so much….
Ana Maria / USA
Hey! Amazing site. Totally awesome. Thank you for celebrating the human potential to create a new, to transform, and to refresh. Reading about all the bristling creativity of the Dadaists and the Punks etc. just fires up my imagination! I really appreciate your good work! Truly inspiring! You go right to the top of my bookmarks! Cheers!
Oz, Toronto, Ontario
Hi there Swiss friends! I’m Flebo from the near Italy and writing you to pay my compliments about your site: I like it very much, a true mine of infos, pics and music!!! … Thanx for all and again compliments for your site. Ciao!!
Marco Flebo A.
Hi!!! I’m from Mexico … You have an excellent page, I really like it!! Thanx… your friend…
Inti Gustavo C.M.
Hey dude! I just checked out your site on Siouxsie and the Banshees. Very cool! There were a few great pix that I have never seen. I’ve been a HUGE Siouxsie fan since about 1982 and have seen every one of their tours (including the Creatures) since 1984. I can never get enough of them! Good job!
You maintain the fucking coolest site I have ever been privy to. Thank you.
Timmy ‚Skootch‘ M.
I really enjoy this web site, it is both very functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. Thank you, I have found some good stuff here.
Paola O. : Arke Psyche
Hi Folks. Very cool your website. I was looking for Siouxsie and found you. Nice job, saudações from Brazil.
Marcello M.
folks … I loved the webpage on dada, punk, music, etcetc. well made, well thought out, well said.
Hi, my name is Elisa and I’m from Brasil. I was taking a look at your dada page, and I just loved it. It’s beautiful and it’s got a lot of good information and pictures. This is what I wanted to say!
Hi, I am pleased to inform you have been chosen for the Best of the Planet PEOPLE’S CHOICE Awards, July 1998.
John 0. Brady, Best of the Planet Awards
.. I friend of mine searching for Siouxsie and found your site. You’ve done a wonderful work. …
Anna V.
I love you and praise the ground you walk on, I’ve been trying to read up on the history of my favorite bands. But the stuff old libraries only have people magazine and their conformist views. Thank you again
… i would also just like to say i’ve always loved your siouxsie pages – the discographies and all the pictures are great. thank you for them.
I remember reading about the Dada/Bauhaus movement some time ago, but my interest has been renewed. And then I found your website. Very nice! Thank you for your efforts.
Daryl W.
Congratulations for your web. It’s great when you find in the same one different things you like. … The ‚dada-wave‘ thing is always superb.
Tito (from Spain)
I like your page and I have also enjoyed reading about the dada. Keep up the good work.
Oren : THE WAY
Hello, I enjoyed your web site very much. …
Murakami K.
Ich gratuliere Ihnen! … Hochachtungsvoll
Markus Z.
Hello – I’ve just visited your web site, and found some information. I’ve been looking for – thank you! …
Tolle Idee, DADA einmal in so einer interessanten Art und Weise darzustellen. Chronologisch und geographisch viel besser nachvollziehbar als in den meisten Standardwerken, die uns in der Uni-Bibliothek zur Verfügung stehen. …
Wunderbar! Dada lebt doch! Nur schade, dass inzwischen Zürich gestorben ist …
Kompliment: das ist mal eine interessante Band! Habe Links eingetragen auf den eiten Jukebox und Lyrics der Universität Konstanz. Nur weiter so und viele Grüsse vom Bodensee.
I was just at your web page and was amazed to see so many bootleg CD’s. I am starting to really get in to this band. … Thanks for such a great web page!!
I just wanted to drop you a line and say that your Dada web page is astounding. It is beautiful. Thank you … duVivier
Jamie G.
I like your site and your tastes in film, books, art, etc.. nice to meet you.
steve : fUSION Anomaly
Best of top.de Ich habe Deine mital-U area heute (24.6.97) zur Home-Page des Tages bei top.de gemacht.
A Projekt Cool Sighting Congratulations! As we’re sure you are aware, your site is ‚cool‘ and now it’s official! We here at Project Cool wanted to let you know that you were selected during the past week because your site makes effective use of the web as a medium and in some way shows off the web’s potential. It is a site that others building for the web can look to for inspiration. Your site will remain listed in our cool archives.
Great page. I really liked your short story and pictures on 70’s punk.
Matilda M.
It’s an excellent page, full of useful info! I was quite impressed…
Rina : The Woman of 1970’s Punk
‚This is definitely a must-read: Punk and Wave, an intelligent, coherent, interesting and informative retelling of the ‚How Punk Was Born‘ story, focusing on the social and cultural aspects of the movement. Beautiful!‘
Or you can beam onto the most historicaly comprehensive dada sto-punko Dada web: From Dada to wave.A state-of-the-art web, including the best texts and documentary pictures about Zurich’s Cabaret Voltaire and the Dada movement, a clickable map of the great avant-guard movements of our century, and amazing connections with punk and new-wave music.
Smart Musée Imaginaire by Virgin France
… and by the way, the web page is cool.
I wanted to say that I thought your page was great, and the Siouxsie bootleg list is really helpful. …
… you have a very good page however …
Hi. I just wanted to tell you that your page is great and …
I just checked out your website dedicated to Siouxsie and the Banshees — very cool, very impressive!
Angela B.
Schoene HomePage die Du gemacht hast … Bis jetzt kannte ich die Band noch nicht. Aber die mittageisen Seiten haben mich ueberzeugt. Glueckwunsch.
Peter H.
I’m so glad to see someone else can appreciate good music! Keep up the good cause.
Ken L.
anyway … just wanted to say hi, and tell you that someone out here appreciates your ’stuff‘ on the web
Eric B.
I saw your incredible page at the w3. … I’m a big fan of Sioux since a lot of years …
I loved those pics you have (doesn’t everyone) …
Your page is really cool. I like the design and the subliminal backgrounds. …
Norman T.
Je vien le CD aujourd’hui. mittageisen est vraiment excellent et je me demande pourquoi je n’ai jamais entendu parler de vous d’autant plus que vous sembler éxister depuis 1982 !! …
Boris T. : The Sanctuary
Just wanted to tell you that your Siouxsie pictures are wonderful!!!!! you have a great web site.
Soiree Dada by Dada Mondo Yippeeeeeee, Dada Yadda, Dada Dondi, y Dada Esquire Rhombus …
It’s always good to see there’s more Siouxsie stuff out there!
Alexia S.
… I like the pages, the graphics are great and very interesting.
Juliette G.
you’ve done a fantastic job on your siouxsie pages! i love the concert pics. …
Brian D.C.
… ich habe Deine ‚Pages‘ gesehen … 🙂 They look quiet good …
Heather Rose B.
I think that what you are doing is great. This band (SatB) is one of the best and I’m glad that there are people like you that will keep beautiful music alive.
Lunar Pie
I completely enjoyed your pages, you have a great collection of ‚unofficial records‘. …
Zerick K.
Just wanted to let you know your pages on Siouxsie & the Banshees are great. I’m really envious, moreso of the fact that you have photos and are obviously in an area where you can see the group. … Again excellent pages.
… Ich hatte mich noch an ‚automaten‘ erinnert, das zu den guten DRS3-Zeiten haeufig gespielt wurde. Ich habe das immer ein geniales Stueck gefunden. Ich war dann hoch erfreut, als ich ueber den CD-Release las. … Die HomePage sieht sehr schoen aus. …
Reto K.
As for feedback – I thought the design was very good and visually apealing, much better than most of what I see on the web these days.
Ryan L.W. : the darkside
you have some very visual pleasing web pages! some of the nicest looking ones, yah!
your pages – they are cool! congratulations!
Alex R. : The Nerve_Net Page